Scroll down for a great selection of go kart trophies in a wide variety of styles. Each go kart trophy includes up to three lines of free personalization!
TrophyCentral has a great online selection of Go Kart trophies to meet all of your award recognition needs. Be sure to see our Single Column Trophies with a Go Kart figure, available with your choice of column color and size. Also see our 1st through 3rd Place Go Kart Trophies, perfect for recognizing multiple levels of achievement. Our Go Kart Champion Trophies are also popular for scouting events.
Each Go Kart trophy and award includes up to three lines of FREE PERSONALIZATION (larger awards include additional lines).
var jsonCustomizeDetails = { section : "Go Kart Trophies", sectionid: "trophies-go-kart", sections : new Array( ), items : new Array(
{ id: "cup-cart-p", name: "Achievement Cup Trophy - Go Kart", sku: "cup-cart-p-tc", price: "14.85", image: "" } ,
{ id: "qtcartdm", name: "Go Kart Deluxe Platform Trophies (3 sizes)", sku: "QSCARTDM-QT", price: "17.85", image: "" } ,
{ id: "qtcartnc", name: "Participation Trophies - Go Kart", sku: "QSCARTNC-QT", price: "9.75", image: "" } ,
{ id: "qtcart3c", name: "Quick-Ship Two-Tier 3-Column Trophies - Go Kart", sku: "QSCART3C-QT", price: "89.9", image: "" } ,
{ id: "qtcarttt", name: "Quick-Ship Two-Tier Trophies with Go Kart Figure", sku: "QSCARTTT-QT", price: "43.85", image: "" } ,
{ id: "mqtcartscb", name: "Single Column Budget Trophy - Go Kart", sku: "mqtcartscb-tc", price: "11.85", image: "" } ,
{ id: "cup-cart-scb", name: "Single Column Cup Trophy - Go Kart", sku: "cup-cart-scb-tc", price: "15.95", image: "" } ,
{ id: "qtcartsc", name: "Single Column Elite Series Trophy - Go Kart", sku: "QSCARTSC-QT", price: "12.95", image: "" } ,
{ id: "wss698", name: "Star Shield Engraved Trophy - Go Kart", sku: "WSS698-TW", price: "11.5", image: "" } ,
{ id: "qtcartpl", name: "Trophies With Place Trim (1st, 2nd, or 3rd) - Go Kart Figure", sku: "QSCARTPL-QT", price: "18.95", image: "" } ,
{ id: "qtcartyr", name: "Trophies with Year Indicator - Go Kart", sku: "QSCARTYR-QT", price: "18.95", image: "" } ,
{ id: "qtcartttw", name: "Two-Tier Championship Trophy w/ Wood Base - Go Kart", sku: "QSCARTTTW-QT", price: "66.5", image: "" } ) }